Welcome to Airth Pharmacy

Your trusted independent community pharmacy in Airth, offering comprehensive pharmacy services tailored to meet the health needs of our local community in Airth and surrounding areas.

Delivering quality pharmacy services since 2007.

To contact us, or find us, click on this button


MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9am - 1pm. 2pm - 545pm.

SATURDAY. 9am - 1pm.

We record all calls for safety and training purposes.

We have recording CCTV in the pharmacy for safety purposes - details of the recordings are available on request from our pharmacist.

We have a ZERO TOLERANCE towards aggressive or abusive behaviour in our pharmacy. We expect to treat all, and be treated by all, with courtesy at all times. If you have concerns about our service then ask to speak to our pharmacist on duty and we will attempt to explain or rectify any issues.

All our decisions are based on what we consider to be best for your health - that includes refusing requests for medications on some occasions due to them being inappropriate, repeated requests or without enough substance as to why they are being requested.

You will ALWAYS be offered the BEST medicine for any condition we feel we can treat. The decision on whether to accept that will then be yours.

We are an independent community pharmacy contractor. As such we are not tied to any one supplier due to a head office mandate and therefore can source most medicines for you quickly and efficiently from the variety of suppliers we deal with.